
Eine untote Idee vom Tod: Vortrag widmet sich der 3000jährigen Geschichte einer Seelenvorstellung

Nach dem Blick auf die Tiersymbolik der altorientalischen Welt und der religiös superbunten Landschaft des Ruhrgebiets wird der nächste Vortrag …

Vom Ruhrpott zur Seidenstraße: Neue Online Ringvorlesung zu Religionskontakten

Am Montag, den 20. Dezember 2021, geht es los mit der neuen Ringvorlesung des Käte Hamburger Kollegs Dynamiken der Religionsgeschichte …

New Collaborative Research Center sees the Light of the Day

Yesterday evening the time had come: The new Collaborative Research Center "Metaphors of Religion: Religious Meaning-Making in Language Use" saw …

Former KHK Fellow visits BuddhistRoad Project

Johan Elverskog is a professor of Religious Studies at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, and an internationally renowned expert …

Academic Unboxings: A Missionary Collection unwrapped

Wide eyes, amazed faces, quick comments: For years, the genre of unboxing video clips has enjoyed great popularity on various …

In Colour and on Screen: KHK started Series of Video Clips

Admittedly, it started pouring down while shooting the first video clip for the new series "The KHK on Film". Not …

Children's Book: How the Stars got into the Sky

How was world created? Many religious traditions have their own answers to this question, and they are told in this …

Ruhr-Universität Bochum interviews Volkhard Krech

Anything but out of date: Under the title “Mehr als dicke Bücher” (More than voluminous books) the Ruhr-Universität Bochum portrays …

KHK in the Final: Last Conference of the Research Project held online

After over twelve years of research, more than 150 invited international research fellows and over 200 events that were organised, …

Religion and Pandemic: Entangled Religions publishes Open Peer Reviewed Special Issue

Religions worldwide have been strongly affected by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The very fact of the pandemic, its emotional perception, …